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Conference & event sponsorships
Thought leadership presence is the number one reason why organizations support CPI. If you want your voice to matter in commercial cards and payments then our stage is your platform. Our events are intimate, with 90-190+ attendees; we offer table top exhibits, private presentations, roundtable discussions and lots of networking time (the best part!).

Advisory Board participation
As part of our higher end packages, sponsors will get a seat on our advisory boards. The number of seats and region will depend on level of commitment. We have many loyal and consistent board members, but we also see new faces annually as we form new partnerships and award seats to new members. This keeps the experience fresh for all participants, and ensures our events are always relevant to new trends and developments.

Online opportunities
Access our global online community of over 8,000 readers. Sponsors can contribute articles, host banner ads and submit press releases. Our expanded database includes 20,000 global professionals in commercial cards and payments. Sponsors can leverage this database for targeted / regional custom content initiatives, such as white paper postings and web seminars.

Custom events
Want to host a private event? CPI can help to organize a discussion with senior decision makers in commercial cards and payments, and ensure your events is as effective as possible. Custom events can be added onto one of our larger annual events, giving you easy access to your target audience, or developed independently as a custom program for a select group in the city of your choice.